1000th repair; June 9, 2017


a speech, you can't escape from that at such a moment. Fortunately it didn't took too long.


The chairman of the neighborhood association is registering the 1000th repair, a Philips portable radio cassette recorder whose tuning is no longer working properly.


Problem was easily solved by assembling the device correctly. Unfortunately some parts were missing and things were kept together with Duck tape. The device could therefore not be returned to the owner in new condition.

New space taken into use; March 24, 2016

nieuwe inrichting

Everything has yet to find its place. Final arrangement will take a few more weeks.

Nieuwe plaats van de gastvrouwen

Lighting is currently a mix of LED and Halogen. If the LED luminaire is satisfactory, the Halogen lamps will be replaced

Nieuwe plaats van de gastvrouwen

The first visitor already signs up.

vrijwilligers aan het werk

Our specialists are working to provide a device a second life.


Also the tool cabinet found a place in the new space.

First Repair Café October 16, 2014

Inrichten Repair Cafe

Volunteers busy setting up the Repair Café.

John en Jos

John and Jos attach a chain so people who have to go to the back or up to the second floor do not walk too close to our tables.

onze allereerste bezoeker

Our very first visitor was so kind to pose for us at the entrance of the community building. His defective device, the motor control of a hobby lathe, may be repaired during his next visit.


A repair is first registered at one of the hosts, then it is checked whether there is a repair technician is free who may start the repair. When the repair is finished, successful or unsuccessful, the visitor returns to the host to complete the administration.


Various volunteers and visitors working on a repair.

gewoon gezellig

The Repair Café is also just fun.